Monday, December 27, 2010

Frame-A-Day 8: Family Get-Together

8. Family Get-Together, originally uploaded by jeffrey_knight.
My family will use any excuse to gather to eat and drink and be merry. Anything from the Super Bowl (regardless of who's playing) to a new couch becomes reason to celebrate together. In particular case, it's a three-way birthday celebration for my dad, sister-in-law and myself.

Technically, the focus is a bit off- I focused to far forward and didn't have enough depth-of-field to reach all the way to the back of the table. This is a result from being a 'ninja' shot- most of my siblings are notoriously camera-shy and it's hard to get them in a picture when they're aware. So, popping out from around a corner, focusing the ae-1 correctly, and getting the shot off without alerting anyone is a feat I have yet to master.

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