[464 Points] |
Real Name: Peter Petruski
Occupation: Professional Criminal
First Appearance: Strange Tales #104 (Jan, 1962)
5'10"; 160 lb; Brown hair; Brown eyes.
ST: 11 [10] |
HP: 11 [0] |
Speed: 5.25 [0] |
DX: 11 [20] |
Will: 12 [0] |
Move: 5 [0] |
IQ: 12 [40] |
Per: 12 [0] |
BL: 25 lb |
HT: 10 [0] |
FP: 10 [0] |
SM: +0 |
Dodge: 8 |
Parry: 8 |
DR: 0 |
ATTACKSPunch (11): 1d-2 cr. Reach C.
TRAITSAccessory (Swingline) [1]Comfortable Wealth [10]Gadgeteer [25]Greed (9-) [-22]Low Self-Image [-10]Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]Talent (Artificer) 1 [10]
SUPER EQUIPMENTPaste Shooter: Binding 50 (Engulfing, +60%; Unbreakable, +40%; Area Effect 3, +150%; Selectivity, +10%; Can be Stolen with QC of ST, -30%; Breakable, DR 6, Complex Machine -15%; Requires Skill Roll (Liquid Projector), -5%; Costs 1 Fatigue 1, -5%) [305]Paste Tank: Energy Reserve 50 (Special Recharge, -70%) [45]
SKILLS Armoury/TL7 (Small Arms)-14 [4] Chemistry/TL7-15 [16] Driving/TL7 (Automobile)-10 [1] Driving/TL7 (Motorcycle)-10 [1] Liquid Projector/TL7 (Sprayer)-15 [12] Research/TL7-11 [1]
Notes: In his earliest appearance, The Trapster (then calling himself 'Paste-Pot Pete') had the 'Overconfidence' disadvantage in place of 'Low Self Image.' Given his power set, chosen villian name, and costume choices, his belief that he could take on the Human Torch bordered on the delusional.
The Trapster's Energy Reserve represents the tanks that fuel his paste gun. He has a large reserve of compressed paste, but it's not infinite. If the tanks run low, he has to return to his factory to manufacture more before he can use his paste-shooters again.