Sunday, June 30, 2024


SUPER-SKRULL [1788 Points]

Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Skrull Warrior
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #18 (Sept, 1963)
6'; 625 lb; No hair; Green eyes.

ST: 23*! [70] HP: 23*! [0] Speed: 7 [0]
DX: 12 [40] Will: 11 [5] Move: 7 [0]
IQ: 10 [0] Per: 10 [0] BL: 400 lb*
HT: 16 [60] FP: 16 [0] SM: +0
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 DR: 5*

*When the Super-Skrull activates his Super-Strength power, his ST and HP increase to 41, his Basic Lift becomes 12.5 tons, his DR increases to 20, and damage from his punches and kicks increases by 4d+10.

! Includes +6 ST from his Bio-Engineered Physiology.

  • Kick (12): 4d+7 cr. Reach C,1.
  • Punch (14): 4d+6 cr. Reach C.
  • Flame Sheath (16): 7d burn to anyone touching or grabbing the Super-Skrull.
  • Flame Blast (16): 10d burn. Acc 3, Range 50/100, RoF 1.

  • Callous [-5]
  • Duty (Skrull Empire; 12-; Extremely Hazardous) [-15]
  • Elongation Talent 2 [10]
  • Fanaticism (Skrull Empire) [-15]
  • Flame Generation Talent 2 [10]
  • High TL 3 [15]
  • Invisibility Talent 2 [10]
  • Natural Attacks [0]
  • Overconfidence (9-) [-7]
  • Supersuit [1]
  • Talent (Born Soldier) 2 [10]
  • Talent (Super-Spy) 2 [30]
  • Very Fit [15]

    Bio-Engineered Physiology
  • Compartmentalized Mind 2 [100]
  • Damage Reduction 2 [50]
  • Damage Resistance 5 (Tough Skin, -40%) [15]
  • Extra Attack 1 [25]
  • Increased Strength 6 [60]

  • Elongation (Super, -10%; Requires Concentrate, -15%)
  • Constriction Attack [12]
  • Double-Jointed [12]
  • Stretching 15 [68]

  • Flame Generation and Control (Super. -10%; Elemental, Countermeasure Water, Vacuum, -10%; Requires Concentrate, -15%)
  • Control Fire 10 (Collective, +100%; Common) [330]
  • Enhanced Move (Air) 3 [39]
  • Flame Blast 10 (Burning Attack, 5x Increased 1/2 D Range, +10%) [38]
  • Flame Sheath 7 (Burning Attack; Aura, +80%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Destructive Parry, +10%) [44]
  • Flight (Cannot Hover, -15%) [20]

  • Force Field Generation (Requires Concentrate, -15%; Super, -10%)
  • Damage Resistance 24 (Force Field, 20%; Hardened 1, +20%; Semi-Ablative, -20%; No Signature, +20%) [138]

  • Invisibility (Super, -10%; Requires Concentrate, -15%)
  • Invisibility (Affects Machines, +50%; Can Carry Up to Light Encumbrance, +20%; Switchable, +10%) [62]

  • Shape-Shifting: Like all members of his race, the Super-Skrull can alter his appearance into any humanoid shape.
  • Morph 1 (Mass Conservation, -20%; Active Change, +20%; Improvised Forms, +100%; No Memorization Required, +50%) [253]

  • Super-Strength (Super, -10%; Requires Concentrate, -15%): When the Super-Skrull activates this power, he takes on the appearance of the Thing's rocky, orange texture.
  • Damage Resistance 15 (Hardened 1, +20%) [72]
  • Increased Strength 18 [135]
  • Striking Surface [1]

  • Acting-13 [4]
  • Aerobatics-13 [8]
  • Area Knowledge (Skrull Empire; Lived there)-10 [1]
  • Beam Weapons/TL10 (Pistol)-13 [2]
  • Flight-15 [1]
  • Forced Entry-14 [4]
  • Innate Attack (Beam)-16 [12]
  • Interrogation-12 [2]
  • Intimidation-12 [4]
  • Karate-14 [12]
  • Navigation/TL10 (Hyperspace)-10 [2]
  • Navigation/TL10 (Space)-10 [2]
  • Observation-13 [4]
  • Piloting/TL10 (High-Performance Spacecraft)-11 [1]
  • Savoir-Faire (Military)-12 [1]
  • Shadowing-12 [2]
  • Soldier/TL10-11 [1]
  • Spacer/TL10-10 [1]
  • Stealth-15 [4]
  • Wrestling-15 [12]

  • Notes: The Super-Skrull was engineered to be able to manifest all of the powers of the Fantastic Four. He is, however, unable to use all of his powers simultaneously.

    His superpowers depend on a beam of cosmic energy directed at him from his homeworld in the Andromeda galaxy. He loses all his powers if he is cut off from this beam.

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