Sunday, July 7, 2024


Professor X

To me my X-Men!

Professor X [1275 Points]

Real Name: Charles Xavier
Occupation: Geneticist, teacher
First Appearance: X-Men #1 (Sept, 1963)
6'; 190 lb; Bald hair; Blue eyes.

ST: 11 [10] HP: 11 [0] Speed: 6.25 [0]
DX: 11 [20] Will: 18 [15] Move: 0 [-30]
IQ: 15 [100] Per: 15 [0] BL: 25 lb
HT: 14 [40] FP: 14 [0] SM: +0
Dodge: 9 Parry: 8 DR: 0

  • Charisma 2 [10]
  • Empathy [15]
  • Filthy Rich [50]
  • Fit [5]
  • Intuition [15]
  • Lame (Paraplegic) [-30]
  • Lecherousness (CR: 15 (Resist almost all the time)) [-7]
  • No Sense of Humor [-10]
  • Secret (Mutant; Utter Rejection) [-10]
  • Sense of Duty (Mutants) [-10]
  • Talent (Academic) 3 [15]
  • Telepathy Talent 4 [20]

    Astral Projection (Psionic, -10%)
  • Clairsentience (Projection, Can use abilities on material world, +140%; Increased Range 12, +120%) [175]

  • Telepathy (Psionic, -10%)
  • Affliction 6 (Area Effect 4, +200%; Paralysis, +150%; Unconsciousness, +200%; Malediction, Uses Long-Distance Modifiers, +200%; Selectivity. +10%; Stunning, +10%; Selective Area, +20%) [528]
  • Mind Control (Conditioning. +50%; No Memory, +10%) [75]
  • Mind Probe (Invasive, +75%) [33]
  • Mind Reading (Multiple Contacts, +50%) [42]
  • Mind Shield 5 (Affects Others, +50%; Area Effect 3, +150%; Force Field, +20%; Selective Area, +20%) [66]
  • Mindlink (X-Men; Broadcast, +50%) [14]
  • Telesend (Broadcast, +50%) [42]

  • Administration-14 [1]
  • Biology/TL7 (Biochemistry)-16 [12]
  • Biology/TL7 (Genetics)-18 [20]
  • Current Affairs/TL7 (Headline News)-15 [1]
  • Current Affairs/TL7 (Politics)-15 [1]
  • Current Affairs/TL7 (Science & Technology)-15 [1]
  • Diagnosis/TL7-13 [1]
  • Diplomacy-14 [2]
  • Electronics Operation/TL7 (Psychotronics)-14 [1]
  • Engineer/TL7 (Psychotronics)-13 [1]
  • Expert Skill (Psionics)-17 [12]
  • First Aid/TL7-15 [1]
  • Hypnotism-17 [12]
  • Leadership-16 [1]
  • Mathematics/TL7 (Applied)-13 [1]
  • Physician/TL7-13 [1]
  • Physiology/TL7 (human)-13 [1]
  • Psychology-17 [2]
  • Public Speaking-19 [1]
  • Research/TL7-18 [2]
  • Soldier/TL7-14 [1]
  • Tactics-15 [4]
  • Teaching-18 [2]

  • Notes:

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