Sunday, July 14, 2024


CYCLOPS 338 points

Real Name: Scott Summers
Occupation: Student, Adventurer
Group Affiliation: The X-Men
First Appearance: X-Men #1 (July, 1963)
6'3"; 175 lb; Brown hair; Glowing Red eyes.

ST: 12 [20] HP: 12 [0] Speed: 6.75 [0]
DX: 13 [60] Will: 12 [0] Move: 6 [0]
IQ: 12 [40] Per: 13 [0] BL: 32 lb
HT: 14 [40] FP: 14 [0] SM: +0
Dodge: 9 Parry: 9 DR: 0

  • Karate Kick (11): 1d+1 cr. Reach C,1.
  • Karate Punch (13): 1d cr. Reach C.
  • Eye Beams (19): 9d cr dkb. Acc 5, Range 100/200, RoF 1.
  • Eye Beams, Wide-Field (19): 7d cr. Acc 3, Range 50/100, 10-yard wide cone, selective targets, RoF 1.
  • Eye Beams, tight beam (19): 9d(2) cr. Acc 5, Range 10/20, RoF 1.
  • With the help of the lenses in his ruby visor, Cyclops can vary the power of his eye beams.

        3D Spatial Sense [10]; Appearance (Attractive) [4]; Intuition [15]; Very Fit [15].

        Pacifism: Cannot Kill [-15]; Secret Identity (Utter Rejection) [-10]; Sense of Duty (Humanity) [-15].
        Quirks: Secretly in love with Jean Grey; Serious; Stand-offish. [-3]

    Known Powers
    Optic Blast (Always On, with Mitigator - ruby quartz glasses (Dangerous), -16%; Mutant, -10%)
  • Optic Blast Talent 3 [15]
  • Crushing Attack 7 (5x Increased 1/2 D Range, +10%; Cone, 10 yards, +150%; Selective Area, +20%; Variable, +5%) [91]
  • Crushing Attack 9 (2x Increased Range, +10%; 10x Increased 1/2 D Range, +15%; Accurate 2, +10%; Double Knockback, +20%; Ricochet, +10%; Variable, +5%) [13]*
  • Crushing Attack 9 (5x Increased 1/2 D Range, +10%; Accurate 2, +10%; Armor Divisor (2), +50%; Reduced Range (5 Range Divisor), -20%; Variable, +5%) [12]*

  • *bought as Alternate Attack

         Diplomacy (IQ+0)-12 [4]; First Aid/TL6 (IQ+0)-12 [1]; Games (Billards) (IQ+0)-12 [1]; Innate Attack (Gaze) (DX+6)-19 [8]; Judo (DX+0)-13 [4]; Karate (DX+0)-13 [4]; Leadership (IQ+1)-13 [4]; Mind Block (Will+0)-12 [2]; Observation (Per-1)-12 [1]; Piloting/TL6 (Helicopter) (DX-1)-12 [1]; Piloting/TL6 (High-Performance Airplane) (DX-1)-12 [1]; Piloting/TL6 (Light Airplane) (DX-1)-12 [1]; Search (Per-1)-12 [1]; Tactics (IQ+1)-13 [8];


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