This photo marks the beginning of a new film stock: Arista Premium 400. My stash of Kodak Tri-X was running out, and I'd heard the Arista was the exact same film, just rebranded by Freestyle Photographic supplies. Since the film is just a little over $2.00 per roll, I bought myself what might be close to a year's supply.
This first frame seems like an inauspicious start to the new film stock. It's stupidly underexposed. In fact the first 6 or so frames all were. Some of those I can attribute to my own stupidity at setting the camera, but the rest? Halfway through the roll, I started metering at 1600 as opposed to the 3200 I had been using, and giving the same development times. The results are a huge improvement, and I can't wait to get to posting those.
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