Friday, April 7, 2023


Skrull Warrior

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #2 (Jan 1962)

Skrulls are reptillian aliens from a planet located in the Andromeda Galaxy. They have the ability to change their forms to an amazing degree. In their natural form, the typical Skrull Warrior is about the same height and weight as a human.

ST: 12 HP: 12 Speed: 5.75
DX: 11 Will: 11 Move: 5
IQ: 11 Per: 11 BL: 25 lb
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +0
Dodge: 8 Parry: 9 DR: 0

Punch (13): 1d cr. Reach C.
Laser Pistol (13): 3d burn. Acc 6, Range 250/750, RoF 1, Shots 400(3), Bulk -2.

Traits: Morph (Active Change; Improvised Forms; Mass Conservation; No Memorization; Once On, Stays On; Unlimited).

Skills: Acting-12; Beam Weapons/TL10 (Pistol)-13; Brawling-13; Disguise/TL10-12; Soldier/TL10-11; Stealth-12; Wrestling-12; Navigation/TL10 (Space)-11.

Special Abilities:
Shapeshifting: Skrulls can alter their size, shape and color through mental concentration. This allows them to take on the appearance (though not the special abilities or properties) of any person or object of approximately the same mass and volume. They could even modify parts of their bodies to imitate the appearance of clothing, equipment, or secretions connected with the original.

Notes: The Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe states that skrulls cannot greatly alter their mass or volume, or take on the special physical characteristics of an adopted form, but this is contradicted within their first appearance. The skrull imitating Mr.Fantastic was able to stretch their arms great distances without any seeming loss of strength and the one imitating the Invisible Girl is able to shrink to a few inches in height (causing onlookers to assume they had become invisible). Another shifted into the form of a large rock monster, granting them damage resistance enough to deflect police bullets. The writeup above takes the side of the Official Handbook, but it's easy enough to drop the Mass Conservation limitation if desired.

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