Golden-age Wonder Woman (circa Sensation Comics #7, July 1942). Using the rules from "Knowing Your Own ST" from Pyramid 3/83. Sources include Mayfair's "World at War" sourcebook for DC Heroes RPG, the crew from Writeups.org, and a pleasant weekend reading old Wonder Woman comics.
[1025 Points] |
Real Name: Diana Prince
Occupation: Former nurse, military aide.
First Appearance: ALL-STAR COMICS #8 (Winter, 1941)
5'8"; 122 lb; Black hair; Blue eyes.
ST: 29* [20] |
HP: 29* [0] |
Speed: 8 [0] |
DX: 16 [40] |
Will: 14 [0] |
Move: 8 [0] |
IQ: 14 [80] |
Per: 16 [0] |
BL: 1,590 lb |
HT: 16 [60] |
FP: 16 [0] |
SM: +0 |
Dodge: 12 |
Parry: 16 |
DR: 0 |
*Includes +17 from being As Strong as Hercules.
ATTACKSLasso of Truth (20): ST 41 Binding. Reach 1-4.Kick (16): 5d+11 cr. Reach C,1.Punch (18): 5d+10 cr. Reach C.
TRAITSAlly (Etta Candy; Appears 12-; 25% of starting points) [2]Ally Group (Holliday Girls; Appears 9-; Group of 12; 25% of starting points) [8]Charisma 1 [5]Charitable (9-) [-22]Cultural Familiarity (Paradise Island, Native) [0]Cultural Familiarity (Western) [1]Masked [1]Natural Attacks [0]Pacifism: Cannot Harm Innocents [-10]Secret Identity (Serious Embarrassment) [-5]Sense of Duty to Women [-10]Signature Gear: Braclets of Submission [1]Signature Gear: Invisible Plane [14]Social Stigma (Second-Class Citizen) [-5]Talent (Animal Friend) 2 [10]Talent (Healer) 2 [20]Talent (Natural Athlete) 3 [30]Talent (Smooth Operator) 3 [45]Trained by a Master [30]US Army Rank 3 (Courtesy) [3]
KNOWN POWERSAs Wise as AthenaPhotographic Memory [10]Intuition [15]
As Beautiful as Aphrodite Transcendent Appearance [20]
As Fast as Mercury (Super, -10%)
Enhanced Parry (All parries) 3 [27]Enhanced Time Sense [41]Increased Dexterity 4 [72]
As Strong as Hercules (Super, -10%)
Enhanced Move (Ground) 2 [36]Increased Strength 17 [153]Damage Reduction 3 [68]
Lasso of Truth (Can be Stolen with QC of ST, -30%; Magical, -10%)
Binding 41 (Blockable or Parryable, -10%; Melee Attack (Reach 1-4), -15%; One Shot, -10%; Unbreakable, +40%) [54]Mind Control (Conditioning, +50%; Only against targets ensnared in lasso, -20%; Sense-Based, Hearing, -20%) [35]
Tiara (Breakable, DR 6, Size -5, -20%; Can be Easily Snatched, -40%; Superscience, -10%)
Telesend (Long-Range 1, +50%; Send Only, Requires recipient to have special equipment, -60%) [6]
SKILLS Acrobatics-18 [12] Acting-17 [2] Area Knowledge (Paradise Island)-14 [1] Area Knowledge (Washington DC)-14 [1] Bow-15 [1] Breath Control-19 [4] Broadsword-15 [1] Bullet Parry-24 [8] Current Affairs/TL6 (Headline News)-14 [1] Current Affairs/TL6 (Politics)-14 [1] Diagnosis/TL6-14 [1] Diplomacy-17 [4] Driving/TL6 (Automobile)-15 [1] Escape-16 [4] First Aid/TL6-18 [4] Jumping-19 [1] Karate-18 [12] Lasso-20 [16] Leadership-19 [4] Lifting-20 [4] Navigation/TL6 (Air)-13 [1] Observation-17 [4] Parry Missile-Weapons-24 [36] Physician/TL6-14 [1] Piloting/TL6 (High-Performance Airplane)-15 [1] Politics-16 [1] Professional Skill (Dictation)-13 [1] Riding (Equines)-19 [4] Riding (Kangas)-19 [4] Running-18 [1] Savoir-Faire (Military)-17 [1] Search-17 [4] Shadowing-15 [4] Soldier/TL6-13 [1] Swimming-21 [4] Typing-16 [1] Wrestling-18 [8]